About Character Growth – Part One

As we’re gearing up for the release of Nora and the Duke of Autumn, I can’t help but see the differences in Nora Grayson’s character from book one. She’s still got a clear sense of right and wrong, her values haven’t changed even if everything about her life has been shattered, and she still has the compassion and empathy that I wanted to highlight in the first book.

For those just joining us, Nora was inspired by the character of Deanna Troi from Star Trek the Next Generation. In particular, the empathy that Deanna portrayed on the bridge of the Star Ship Enterprise is something I snagged and enhanced for the character of Nora Grayson. Only instead of making her an alien she is, obviously, a half human magic wielder.

Because it wouldn’t be a Fantasy novel otherwise.

The idea was to let a character with Deanna Troi’s talents stand front and center of her own work, because emotions are important and we should allow ourselves to process them rather than… You know, bury them away and pretend they don’t exist.


How has Nora changed from Book One to Book Two?

SPOILERS AHEAD! Turn back now if you don’t want to know.

Still here?

Alright, for starters, in book one Nora was confronted with the fact that her two caretakers – Nana Bess and Uncle Martin – are criminals. This eye-opener has wrought a lot of strife in her. She feels stupid, and every new part of Fairy that she learns about is feeding her rage at having been duped.

Book Two has her struggling to find a sense of self again. There’s some self-pity in there because, well, who wouldn’t be ashamed? But this second book is all about overcoming that shame and finding the strength to make something new. By the end of Book Two, she has more control over her own life and is ready to start building again.

Which is why Book Three is so very, very romantic.


Gird your loins, people. The romance that has already begun is about to take center stage.

And that’s the only spoiler I’m going to give you.

Nora and the Werewolf Wedding is available on Amazon in Paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited.

Nora and the Duke of Autumn is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle.

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